man - formatand display the on-line manual pages #格式化显示在线手册页
man [-acdDfFhkKtwW] [--path] [-msystem] [-p string] [-C config_file] [-M pathlist] [-P pager] [-B browser] [-Hhtmlpager] [-S section_list] [section] name ...
man [选项] [参数] [命令/配置文件]
1 UserCommands #用户命令
2 System Calls #系统调用
3 C Library Functions #C语言库函数
4 Devices and Special Files #设备和特殊文件
5 FileFormats and Conventions #配置文件
6 Games et. Al. #游戏 其它
7 Miscellanea #宏 包其它杂项
8 SystemAdministration tools and Deamons #系统管理员相关的命令
n 新文档,可能要移到更适合的领域。
o 老文档,可能会在一段期限内保留。
l 本地文档,与本特定系统有关的。
知道上述数字的含义,我们就可以使用man 2 write来查看关于write系统调用的帮助信息了。
[root@C66-192168002225 ~]# man writeWRITE(1) Linux Programmer’s Manual WRITE(1)NAME write - send a message to another user
[root@C66-192168002225 ~]# man 2 writeWRITE(2) Linux Programmer’s Manual WRITE(2)NAME write - write to a file descriptor
选项 | 说明 |
-a <command/config file> | 显示所有匹配项,按q键切换到下一帮助手册,如后面没有手册,则退出 |
-f <command/config file> | 等同于whatis命令,将在whatis数据库查找以关键字开头的帮助索引信息 |
-h <command/config file> | 显示man命令的帮助信息 |
-k <command/config file> | 等同于apropos命令,搜索whatis数据库,模糊查找关键字 |
-w <command/config file> | 输出找到帮助手册的文件路径,默认搜索一个文件后停止 |
-S <list> <command/config file> | 指定搜索的帮助手册领域 |
section <number> <command/config file> | 指定搜索帮助手册的领域,【限定查找帮助手册类型】 |
1、man -a <command> 参数实例
[root@C66-192168002225 tools]# man -a writeWRITE(1) Linux Programmer’sManual WRITE(1) NAME write- send a message to another user SYNOPSIS writeuser [ttyname] …… <此处忽略若干字符> 按q切换到下一手册页 WRITE(1P) POSIX Programmer’sManual WRITE(1P) PROLOG This manual page is part of the POSIX Programmer’s Manual. The Linux implementation of this interfacemay differ (consult the corresponding Linuxmanual page for details of Linux behavior), or the interface may not beimplemented on Linux. NAME write- write to another user SYNOPSIS writeuser_name [terminal] …… <此处忽略若干字符> 按q切换到下一手册页 WRITE(2) Linux Programmer’sManual WRITE(2) NAME write- write to a file descriptor SYNOPSIS #includessize_t write(int fd, const void *buf, size_t count); 此处忽略若干字符> 此处忽略若干字符>
2、man -a <config file> 参数实例
[root@C66-192168002225 tools]# man -a fstabFSTAB(5) Linux Programmer’sManual FSTAB(5) NAME fstab- static information about the filesystems SYNOPSIS #includeDESCRIPTION The file fstab contains descriptive informationabout the various file systems. fstab isonly read by programs, and not written; it is the dutyof the system administrator to properly create and maintain this file. Each filesystem is described on a separateline; fields on each line are separated by tabs orspaces. Lines starting with ’#’ arecomments. blank lines are ignored. Theorder of records in fstab is impor- tantbecause fsck(8), mount(8), and umount(8) sequentially iterate through fstabdoing their thing.
3、man -f <command> 参数实例
[root@C66-192168002225 tools]# man -f writewrite (1p) - write to another userwrite (1) - send a message to another userwrite (2) - write to a file descriptorwrite (3p) - write on a file[root@C66-192168002225 tools]# whatis writewrite (1p) - write to another userwrite (1) - send a message to another userwrite (2) - write to a file descriptorwrite (3p) - write on a file
4、man -f <config file> 参数实例
[root@C66-192168002225 tools]# man -f fstabfstab (5) - static information about the filesystemsfstab-decode (8) - run a command with fstab-encoded arguments[root@C66-192168002225 tools]# whatis fstabfstab (5) - static information about the filesystemsfstab-decode (8) - run a command with fstab-encoded arguments
5、man -h <command/config file> 参数实例
[root@C66-192168002225 tools]# man -h writeman, version 1.6f usage: man [-adfhktwW] [section] [-M path] [-Ppager] [-S list] [-msystem] [-p string] name ... a : findall matching entries c : do notuse cat file d : printgobs of debugging information D : as for-d, but also display the pages f : sameas whatis(1) h : printthis help message k : sameas apropos(1) K : searchfor a string in all pages t : usetroff to format pages for printing w : printlocation of man page(s) that would be displayed (if noname given: print directories that would be searched) W : as for-w, but display filenames only C file : use `file' as configuration file M path : set search path for manual pagesto `path' P pager : use program `pager' to displaypages S list : colon separated section list m system :search for alternate system's man pages p string :string tells which preprocessors to run e - [n]eqn(1) p - pic(1) t - tbl(1) g - grap(1) r - refer(1) v - vgrind(1)
6、man -k <command/config file> 参数实例
[root@C66-192168002225 tools]# man -k writeaio_write (3) - asynchronous writeaio_write (3p) - asynchronous write to a file (REALTIME)amidi (1) - read from and write to ALSA RawMIDI portsbzero (3) - write zero-valued byteschan (n) - Read, write and manipulate channelscksum (1p) - write file checksums and sizescreat (3p) - create a new file or rewrite an existingone……write (1p) - write to another userwrite (1) - send a message to another userwrite (2) - write to a file descriptorwrite (3p) - write on a filewritemain [ExtUtils::Miniperl] (3pm) - write the C code for perlmain.cwritev (3p) - write a vectorwritev [readv] (2) - read or write data into multiple bufferszipnote (1) - write the comments in zipfile to stdout,edit comments and rename files in zipfile [root@C66-192168002225 tools]# man -k fstabendfsent [getfsent] (3) -handle fstab entriesfstab (5) - static information about the filesystemsfstab-decode (8) - run a command with fstab-encoded argumentsgetfsent (3) - handle fstab entriesgetfsfile [getfsent] (3) - handle fstab entriesgetfsspec [getfsent] (3) - handle fstab entriessetfsent [getfsent] (3) -handle fstab entries
7、man -w <command/config file> 参数实例
[root@C66-192168002225 tools]# man -w write/usr/share/man/man1/write.1.gz[root@C66-192168002225 tools]# man -w fstab/usr/share/man/man5/fstab.5.gz
8、man -S <list> < command/config file >参数实例
[root@C66-192168002225 tools]# man -S 2 writeWRITE(2) Linux Programmer’sManual WRITE(2) NAME write- write to a file descriptor SYNOPSIS #includessize_t write(int fd, const void *buf, size_t count); DESCRIPTION write()writes up to count bytes from the buffer pointed buf to the file referred to bythe file descriptor fd.
9、man section <number> < command/config file > 参数实例
[root@C66-192168002225 tools]# man section 3p write No manual entry for sectionWRITE(3P) POSIX Programmer’sManual WRITE(3P) PROLOG This manual page is part of the POSIX Programmer’s Manual. The Linux implementation of this interfacemay differ (consult the corresponding Linuxmanual page for details of Linux behavior), or the interface may not beimplemented on Linux. NAME pwrite, write - write on a file SYNOPSIS #includessize_t pwrite(int fildes, const void *buf,size_t nbyte, off_t offset); ssize_t write(int fildes, const void *buf, size_t nbyte);[root@C66-192168002225 tools]# man section 5 fstabNo manual entry for sectionFSTAB(5) Linux Programmer’s Manual FSTAB(5) NAME fstab- static information about the filesystems SYNOPSIS #include
MANSECT 1:1p:8:2:3:3p:4:5:6:7:9:0p:n:l:p:o:1x:2x:3x:4x:5x:6x:7x:8x
e、 j、回车<Enter> #前进一行
y、 k #后退一行
f、空格键 #前进一屏
b或 w #后退一屏
d #前进半屏
u #后退半屏
/<string> #由上向下搜寻string字符串
?<string> #由后向前搜寻string字符串
n #查看下一个找到的字符串
N #查看上一个找到的字符串
g #跳转到第一行
G #跳转到最后一行
p #跳转到文件开头
q #退出帮助手册